ウレリトゲン氏は今年の春に新作5作を一挙に発表し、一大旋風を巻き起こしたアーティストです。今回の発表では、遠くから初めてFUJIMURA CONTEMPORARY ART.を訪れて下さる方が後を絶たず、企画終了後の5月、6月もウレリトゲン氏の新作を求めてご来店頂きました。
‘Save The Earth’ – what a a great theme for an exhibition of art!
Mind you, one might as well call it ‘Save Ourselves’, because these days we are beginning to realize, that our pure survival depends entirely on the well being of our ‘Cosmic Home’ – which is earth – there’s NO alternative.
That’s why the concept of many so called ‘primitive peoples’, to picture this beautiful planet as our ‘mother’ has always appealed to me, it simply rings true!
After all, that ‘blue gem in space’ – as astronauts describe it – does not only supply us with the incredibly rich and inspiring possibilities of our physical existence, but also protects us from the extremely hostile conditions of the cosmic space surrounding us.
It nurtures and feeds us with its vast resources, giving us ‘the air to breeze’, that we need to survive.
On top of that, it is a patient and forgiving teacher for our hearts and souls, full of mystery and wisdom – an inexhaustible source for our artistic self expression!
We are learning to understand, that all life, all forms of life, are inseparably and closely connected – a true family!
If we disdain, violate or irresponsibly destroy our fellow inhabitants, our brother creatures, like animals or plants, if we – for sheer profit interests – pollute our rivers and cut down our rain forests, we ultimately disregard and destroy OURSELVES.
For many years mankind has acted like an aggressive and egomaniac child, ignoring the warnings of nature, blinded by the pride and arrogance of our technical achievements and intoxicated by our lust for domination and control, but now we can no longer close our eyes to the damage, that we’ve already done.
It’s not too late yet, but there’s not much time left – let’s ‘Save The Earth’ now!
“Save The Earth” 展覧会のテーマとして、これほど素晴らしいものはない。
それは言い換えれば”Save Ourselves (我々自身を救う)”ということになるんだ。なぜかというと最近皆が気づき始めたように、我々が生き残れるか否かはかけがえのないこの宇宙の家、つまり地球の生存そのものにゆだねられているからだ。